Saturday, January 24, 2009

Since then what happenend, what happend!

Dah cuba update dengan N80 dua, lapan, lima belas kali tapi for some reason tak publish and such poignant thoughts too, all gone in smoke!!! Guess where I am at the moment? At workplace. This place got its own so called internet kiosk since us slaves here cannot do it at the comfort of our work zone, but its fine anyhow.

I bet me mom will call anytime soon asking me when I am coming back, heck, she should be worried see. Its 3.00 am on a Friday night. I have a few shitty things outstanding waiting for me on Monday as well so I don't exactly feel my best about this weekend but at least its a weekend where my salary is out on so it is not all bad.

I have billion of plans tomorrow. Namely getting mom new haircut, treating her to Pizza Hut (she don't really like pizza but she saw the ad the other day for some chinese new year special and thought it looks good. I also need to get myself a new handbag. Me unlike most female species that loves to collect that appendages they call their handbags will only buy them out of necessity. The current one I have now is falling apart. I got this for RM70 on a sale, otherwise it be RM140 and by my low standard that pretty pricey.... but I guess being in service full time for 1 year is a job well done for a handbag which is not made out of leather.

I also need to get myself a scale.

Oh, you didn't know? I am on a... dare I say? *whisper* diet *whisper*

I don't if I lost any but I feel spaces in my pants and shirts so I guess that is good and my pot belly has reduced in it's largeness which something I should celebrate and the best part is, I LOVE WALKING. I haven't graduated to the next brisk walk yet, I just walk... as much as I can and its always fun. I walk at the park, I walk to my car, I walk when I can since I am a lazy bum. But I hate climbing stairs. Tried that today to my 2nd floor office and I lost my life somewhere on the 1st floor. Of course I exxagerate (how do you spellit?) but you get the gist.

Anyhow, yes I need a scale something that can go over 100 kilos because I still have a long way to go. The doctor said I will need 2 years if I consistently lose weight every month and that should give you the idea how heavy I am. I basically carry 2 of me right now so I am that genourmous.

Enough of my weight.

I also need to get colour pencil for Fatihah. I think I might to get like 3 every month or something because perhaps she eats it at school. And mom mentioned about the sole of her favourite sandals wearing thin? Huhuhu

Talking about sandals, I went to Morib like I would usually do from time to time because I like to eat there and the long drive is always fun. They would have this market like place there as well so I bought myself the selipar jepun for RM10 each so I got 2. The point of the story is... I love wearing selipar/flip flop so much. It makes my legs stumpy but to tell you how wide my feet are, its the only thing that won't pinch me.

Like you can't tell I am running out of things to say so high time I beat it and leave this God forsaken place.

Btw, the stupid money machine, all three of them are coughing out RM10 notes only. Me planning to withdraw RM2k tonight alone decides that would be a foolish decision to withdraw that much in RM10 notes. So I have to go to Puchong tomorrow to get my money.

And I miss my sister very much, hope she is doing all well!!!!

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