Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Kerja sudah :(

Hari pertama kerja since cuti... very depressing. So not happy. Somemore, the prospect of high queue and the fact that I will not be taking anymore annual until November makes everything worst. *nangis*


My anime collection has grown. It has now includes Tenjho Tenge 1-24, Hellsing 1-13, Yami no Matsue 1-13 and Seikano (belum tengok)

Tenjho Tenge memang best. Fan service memang melampau (transforming boobies, panties shot, boobies, boobies and more boobies and some highly suggestive scenes) tapi memang best. Tapi pening sikit pasal nak habiskan the whole thing in half a day. I read somewhere that the anime doesn't do the manga justice. But the manga is ongoing (or at least when they made the anime) can't expect a proper closure on the anime. Somemore, I thought Nagi Souichirou is the main lead but there is more flashback scenes about the tragic life of Natsume Shin. By the way, I really really really like Shin. *big anime fan eyes*

I also like Takayanagi Mitsuomi, the two years ago one. The more innocent, nice guy one *sigh* Noticed that I prefer the flashback charas than the current one. Maybe due to their hair. The flashback ones seems to have sensible hair, even Mitsuomi's weird tinted hair. Bob Makihara is cool but Nagi has the funniest hair. No, I take it back. I like most characters because I happen to like Takayanagi Masataka, Mitsuomi's little brother very much, the pathetic character in this kick ass anime. Its only Nagi that I find funny. (the hair!!!!)

Right, my favourite part of the anime would be the thing between Shin and his sister Maya. Sad really with his complete dependence on her which in turn destroys him. *sob sob* But I wonder why Aya is not in the picture. It seems that between the 3 sibs, Aya is so outside from the turmoil (Maybe she just turned 13 when all the mess happened????) but then again Shin did kill their parents when he was 10, Maya 8 and Aya 6. But really Aya was NOT IN THE PICTURE! Even when she did show up, we can never see her complete face. Just up to her lips and that's it. She looked scrawny when she was 13 by the way. I noticed in the flashback that Maya has bigger eyes something like Aya's current eyes. In fact 2 years ago, Maya is very much like Aya. I got a bit confused in the middle of the flashback episodes when they revolve more about what happened two years ago that I almost forgot about Aya altogether. But its weird that she got the Dragon Eyes, I wonder if she got it from Shin?

I want to see the OVA. The one with 4 episodes that spells closures for the anime series. ^__^

Hellsing and Yami no Matsuei were great too but due to my short term memory and I watched those two before Tenjho Tenge I can't remember well why I like both so much. Tapi kan, Hellsing memang best *sigh* Its one of those in my wish list. This series remind me a bit of D, The Vampire Hunter. But I think it stands well on its own. Gotta love Alucard.

Yami no Matsuei ni dulu pulak pernah keluar kat AXN but during that time I had some problem with my Astro dish so tak pernah dapat tengok. I only managed to see the Kyoto Arc tu pun when they had this voting thing on AXN ( I voted for YnM and managed to see it!) So, now I can see the complete series. Which is really nice... ahahahaha *evil laughter* Lotsa Yaoi overtone *evil laughter*

Tapi pergi basuh kereta sempat beli GempakStarz publication : The Fishes by Ben. Sad ending :( Which makes me more depressed than I already am :(

Otay smotay. Nak tido jap sebelum siap nak pegi kerja :P

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