Wednesday, September 7, 2005


Benci. Dan kalau boleh aku nak kau mati. So, bila kau mati, kau takkan sakitkan hati aku dengan ibu lagi. So, aku tak perlu rasa terperangkap tinggal serumah dengan engkau. Engkau yang cakap tak berlapik. Yang terasa diri dah bagus pasal kau sembahyang tunggang tunggek. Tapi kau lupa apa yang kau buat, apa yang kau cakap mengecilkan hati ibu, so sekarang apa hukumnya? Which come first? Kau rasa boleh masuk syurga bila kau terlalu mengecilkan hati ibu? Dah banyak kali ditegur, kau insist kau betul. Fine, fine, go to hell. No, really. Go to hell, literally. Because you will not learn. Too dumb, too stupid. I wonder sometimes whatever up there where there is suppose to be your brain. Your logic astounds me sometimes. If you fucking hate it so much. Easy way out, move out! Don't keep sending me this stupid messages as if I am your freaking messenger. Because FYI, I don't relay your fucking messages anywhere, it goes to my 'delete' button. Because that is where is should be, deleted. Because that is what YOU should be... deleted.

1 comment:

  1. uih... apsel mareh2 ni?
    eh ko ade winzip dak?
    aku aplod onlien je la bleach ni yers. ke ko tak mampu nak dl? heh heh heh >:)
    acah je. nanti ku bagi pinjam pendriveku.
