Sunday, September 18, 2005


Aku tidak boleh menulis sebuah cerita merapu tanpa mendengar lagu.

Aku ni taklah best orangnya. Tapi aku minat menulis. Its a way to put things in my head on paper. Or in this case on computer document. When I read a good book, it makes me feel, man, I want to write as good as that. But then again, I am not always so filled with idea. Furthermore, I'm lazy heheheh.

Writing I think needs a lot of research, unless you are writing something you know a lot. Considering my less than interesting life, I need to do a lot of research, which makes it tough.

Being a hopeless romantic (ppl in real life will never believe this, so holding a knife on detto mouth to shut her up) most of my themes are about LOVE. (terbanyak baca mills & boons and harlequin romance dendulu kah kah) and with love, about sacrifices.

Not necessarily love between lovers, but love between sibs and family, between friends, and what you have to go through because of love. I think its very universal... everybody can relate to that.

I also like to write about impossible love. Something like Romeo and Juliet with a more twisted twist like that. Something that is just plain wrong, so damn wrong but they went through with it, knowing full well but heedless of the consequences which came from a reckless side of me... which will never be in real life. O_o

So, easy way out for me is to write fanfiction. Ready made settings and characters. You just need to know the actual story enough and then spin your own, either where the actual story left off, or during, or maybe 10, 20 years later... or even if you are creative enough, in a completely different world.

Its like instant soup. Just add water.


  1. "Aku ni taklah best orangnya. Tapi aku minat menulis."

    uhmm... ape kaitan tak best ngan minat menulis?

    kasik la link fanfic ko huhuhu
