Saturday, July 25, 2009

Queen Magnificent, Flying

I just hope she recovers soon. 

My sister send a photo to me. She and an unrecognisable car. The car that she has been planning to buy. 

I asked, Whoah what you're buying it?

She said, Look at d number plate. 


Had maggi and kopi 'o' ais for dinner again because I had a major shitty day. While eating, I continued my chat with my sister.  She took the step and got a new ride and is hit by the pang of missing the old one.

I know, the old one has been very loyal to her, the thing takes her to all the crazy places she goes. Its a 4 wheel-drive disguised as a Proton Iswara.


Not her actual old car, photo borrowed from this dude

If you have no respect for a National Car, you should know that Silver Blue Spesel Edisen Iswara is in fact a robust machine that can be driven off road on hard rocky terrain, slither through mud, swim across flood water, cruises over grass, floats over sand and has even been taken through a palm plantation like a real trooper. If that's not a good car, I don't know what is!

So I exaggerate, but I don't lie that the car gone through those treatments. It has been a real buddy to my sister. 

I'll miss him too but I bet he will find a better owner that won't take him flying over hard rocks and mud :D It is a good time for him to retire. Don't fret too long, enjoy the new one. Drive safe!

Supper at Maktonglow with Dyb. Quarter pounder with cheese anyone?


What diet?

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