Sunday, July 19, 2009

Spectacular.... spectacles

My left eye is blurring pretty bad and its disorienting when driving at night. Lights will break up into funny shapes until I close the left eye and everything focuses again.  Although the right eye is still normal, I don't walk around with one eye closed. With a blurry left eye vision, it totally blurs up everything and its a bitch driving at night. 

My left eye has always been slightly off. My vision is at 50-20 or something. It doesn't require a spectacle but it always bothers me because I know the difference of a sharp line when everything is in focus. I borrowed my sister's specs once, and see the world in a fresh, sharpened way. 

I have always been proud at how good my eyesights were. I can read roadsigns like crazy distance away, at least recognising the pattern of the word to guess correctly what it is. But I don't think I can do as well. While I love the idea of wearing spectacles because in my personal opionion they are dead sexy and makes you look intelligent, I rather have my own vision without any additional help.  But you can't exactly fix this problem can you and lasic surgery is not cheap...

I don't know. I'm thinking of visiting that cheapo specs booth in Grand Union to check my eyes. Or I think I wait until salary out because if I have to get one, I need to get it from Focus Point or England Optical if I want my company to cover it.  


  1. Pakai le contacts! :D Sebelah mata je whut?

  2. i hate contacts... putting things in one eye. neway, that not covered what? but see lah what options i got
